We're so sorry to hear this.
Please get in touch, so we can assist you.
You'll need to confirm:
- The date that your relative / friend passed away.
- Ideally, their JD Williams account number - this will be in the format A1234567 and can be found on any statements or letters from us. Don't worry if you're not sure what it is; we can locate their account using their full name, address and postcode.
- Your contact details, in case we need to get in touch with you.
Once you've notified us:
- We'll arrange for all mailings on the account to stop. It can take up to 6 weeks for them to cease completely.
- If we need to confirm any further details, we'll let you know.
Additional help
You may find Cruse Bereavement Support helpful. You can visit their website or call them on 0808 808 1677.
You can register with the Bereavement Register - a free service that will stop most advertising mail to your relative / friend's address within as little as six weeks.
The government also operates a Tell Us Once service which lets you notify most government organisations in one go. If you live in Northern Ireland, please use the NI Direct website instead.